In typical civil or criminal cases, once a verdict is reached the only way to contest is the appeal process. In family law cases, however, parties can return to court to request modifications to judgments. If the circumstances of either party have changed enough to warrant modifying the decision, you may wish to change the court’s decision. This may be in relation to child custody and visitation, child support, or spousal support.
As a Sacramento judgment modification attorney, Alan Mikshansky can assist you in modifying these types of court orders and helping you understand your options once your or the other party’s situation changes.
About Post-Judgment Modifications
When the court finalizes a divorce decree and related issues, it establishes new rights and responsibilities for you and your former spouse. Complying with the agreement is important not only because it helps you to move past the divorce, but also because staying in compliance protects you from court sanctions and penalties.
However, the circumstances of your life may change in a way that requires modifying the court order. You may no longer be able to afford payments, or you may need to prevent your former spouse from taking certain actions related to your children.
Making judgment modifications is complicated because it requires getting a judge to change a decision that has already been made. Thus, many courtrooms place a high burden of proof. Alan Mikshansky, as an experienced legal counsel, can represent you effectively in these divorce and family law matters.
Cause for Modification of a Divorce Judgment
The most common judgment modification requests in Sacramento relate to child custody, child support, and spousal support cases. These provisions usually can only be altered if there is a significant change in your or the other party’s circumstances. Some examples:
- Child custody. You may require a judgment modification if the custodial parent is planning to move to a different city or state with the children.
- Spousal support. If you are the one who provides support and your income changes substantially, it may warrant a modification in the amount you should pay.
- Child support. Your children may require additional financial aid due to the growing costs of care.
Modifying a Court Order through Mediation
The Law Office of Alan Mikshansky recommends mediation over a courtroom trial for judgment modifications. Such a voluntary agreement is a less expensive and less time-consuming process. It also provides a more predictable outcome.
As a judgment modification attorney Alan Mikshansky will work with you and with the other party to find a resolution. Modifying the court order through cooperation rather than a combative trial can benefit both parties and help you achieve your goals.
California Judgment Modification Attorney
If your post-divorce circumstances have changed, contact the Law Office of Alan Mikshansky to explore options for judgment modifications. Alan Mikshansky will first prioritize reaching a voluntary agreement and, if necessary, represent you at court to ensure that your interests are served.
Divorce practices
- Child support
- Child custody and visitation
- Spousal support
- Property division
- Divorce Mediation
- Community property
- Post-judgment modification
Let’s start by you letting me learn about your case

Alan Mikshansky
Attorney in law
Call me today at (916) 692-8224, fill out the contact form, or send an email to set up an appointment to discuss your divorce situation and your options