Establishing Paternity
If you are seeking to establish or disprove the paternity of a child, contact experienced Sacramento paternity lawyer Alan Mikshansky for assistance in resolving a parentage dispute.
Establishing paternity is a legal proceeding to determine the identity of a child’s father. This type of proceeding is usually initiated as a critical legal step when seeking child support, child custody, or child visitation rights. It guarantees children all their legal rights such as social security and inheritance.
In general, the law considers the husband to be the father if the parents were married when the child was born. Parents who are not married when a child is born can sign a voluntary declaration of paternity to establish paternity. These steps simplify matters. However, people who are not married may not be able to agree about parentage.
Given that paternity actions are complicated, it is always prudent to seek the assistance of a qualified paternity lawyer. Specialized in family law, Alan Mikshansky will help you prove or disprove paternity, and resolve any dispute over the parentage of a child.
About Paternity and Paternity Tests
When paternity is in dispute, the court can order genetic testing. The mother, child, and alleged father will be required to submit to these DNA tests to provide an evidentiary basis for resolving this issue. If one party refuses, the court can automatically decide against them. As part of the same case, a ruling on child support, custody, or visitation can be issued.
California Paternity Lawyer
Issues of paternity are extremely sensitive in nature and have a huge impact on children and parents alike. As a family law specialist, Alan Mikshansky has extensive experience establishing and defending against paternity actions. He has benefited many clients who have gone through these complex and difficult issues by offering sound legal guidance, effective trial counsel, and supportive advice.
Contact the Law Office of Alan Mikshansky and get guidance on the appropriate process that suits your family’s individual situation.
Family Law practices
- Establishing paternity
- Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders
- Annulment of marriage
- Prenuptial Agreements in Sacramento
- Postnuptial Agreement in Sacramento
- Divorce Lawyer Consultation
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Alan Mikshansky
Attorney in law
Call me today at (916) 692-8224, fill out the contact form, or send an email to set up an appointment to discuss your divorce situation and your options